Friday, February 17, 2012

WEEK 4: New Schedule

As you can tell, I'm behind. But, this weekend I shall catch up! That's my goal anyway.

Here is a revised schedule due to the critique we had last Friday (2/10) and a more clear idea of what is actually accomplishable. I'm not sure if I want to do the "Under promise, over deliver" idea within my schedule because I don't think I'll really push myself to over deliver if it's not a written down goal. Although, giving myself room to catch up in my schedule really isn't in there...I want to produce a lot, and end up with the best possibly solutions! It's overwhelming to consider getting so much done in a certain amount of time. But, I can do it. This will be my new phrase to tell myself ever day when looking at my written to do list for the day.

Here is the revised schedule:

You should be able to click on them and look at them in 100% view.

I'm hoping to give myself a lot of refining time towards the end in case my plans change with what I've made, or what I want to end up making with all the "posters" that I'm planning on making.
I know that with this schedule getting behind will be difficult. I really wanted to have a lot made before spring break so that when I get back it's all about picking and choosing which to move forward with. I'm just wondering if I should go about making these things one at a time, or do what I plan on? I think producing a lot of work at the beginning will be good, then stepping back and looking at the work and evaluating with is better to move forward with is best. Just because I know that nothing is ever really "finished" so if I go about making these pieces one at a time, I could seriously spend FOREVER on the first one.

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