Friday, February 24, 2012

WEEK 5: New Process

Here are some thumbnails that I have started to develop for three different quotes. These were critiqued on Monday, and a lot of discussion went on around them. My approach to this project has changed some. Now thinking along the lines of a plan, it was said that getting all ideas out on a page for all my quotes would be the best way to go. Other than going about them one or two at a time. This idea would just show that I would formally evolve and I'd have to go back to the beginning and correct those. 

So now going forward I plan to have 20 final quotes to choose from, and then go forth with making mind maps and thumbnails. I have half done already, but have not photographed them yet. They will be shown soon. Then this process will take a more analytical approach when thinking about concepts. Possibly grouping them together if there are certain subjects I'm hitting when I'm making these maps/thumbnails.

One thing was established, which I really was happy with. When portraying these quotes they don't have to be specifically about the story.  Not everyone can relate to the imagery if they do. So when choosing a quote picking a subject that everyone can relate without the reference to the book is the way I'd like to go. So the mind maps will help me get there.

Here is a revised schedule with considering all things applied.
Monday I plan to have all thumbnails done, then to start designing two pieces from there.

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